Wednesday, 3 April 2013

 4 Months - Even bigger wires

Ok 2nd load of wires, this time pretty fat ones... apparently they start smaller and work bigger to give your mouth time to adjust.  If they try to move too much, too soon then they tend not to budge at all. Getting some good movement, my top teeth are pretty decent already, just that lateral incisor that needs to move back in.  Not too stressed about that though, pretty sure it'll behave and go back to where it belongs.

I'm still tossing up whether I'll get a couple of porcelain veneers for my top two middle teeth.  As I said earlier they got smashed out when I was younger and what is chipped is actually tooth filling.  I'll see what the dentist says but if I get a better result I'll probably lash out and go the veneers.

My bottom teeth were the worst (looking back I didn't quite realise how bad) but they are a lot better now.  Still that 1st premolar has a bit of work to do before it goes back to its home.  I asked the Ortho so how do you think they are traveling?  He said well we're winning, early days yet but they were going in and out and around... but we'll get there.

So yeah Rome wasn't built in a day... and my teeth aren't going to be any exception to that rule.

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